I recently checked out Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance after reading Kevinā€™s piece about how the book informed his practice of library cataloging. I am enjoying it a lot more this time around, and have found it really informs my practice of computer programming as well. Unfortunately I only made it half way through before it needed to be returned to the library, and the local superbookstores oddly enough donā€™t seem to carry itā€¦So, Iā€™ve got a copy on order from a used bookstore I found through Amazon. Anyhow hereā€™s one nice quote I jotted down before I had to return the book:

At first the truths Phaedrus began to pursue were lateral truths; no longer the frontal truths of science, those toward which the discipline pointed, but the kind of truth you see laterally, out of the corner of your eye. In a laboratory situation, when your whole procedure goes haywire, when everything goes wrong or is indeterminate or is so screwed up by unexpected results you canā€™t make head or tail out of anything, you start looking laterally. Thatā€™s a word he later used to describe a growth of knowledge that doesnā€™t move forward like an arrow in flight, but expands sideways, like an arrow enlarging in flight, or like the archer, discovering that although he has hit the bullā€™s eye and won the prize, his head is on a pillow and the sun is coming in the window. Lateral knowledge is knowledge thatā€™s from a wholly unepected direction, from a direction thatā€™s not even understood as a direction until the knowledge forces itself upon one. Lateral truths point to the falseness of axioms and postulates underlying oneā€™s existing system of getting at truth.

Iā€™m not entirely sure why this resonated with me. I think the idea of ā€œlateral thinkingā€ reminds me of how IRC and web surfing often informs my craft of writing software. While many universities offer computer ā€œscienceā€ programs, Iā€™ve found a large component of writing software is more artistic than scientific. Of course Iā€™m hardly the first person to comment on thisā€¦but Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is full of good advice for writing and tuning your programs. Hopefully Iā€™ll get to write more about them in here when I get my copy in the mail.