word count
library 263
bibliographic 236
data 170
libraries 144
lc 127
control 109
information 98
cataloging 91
records 88
subject 82
materials 81
standards 81
use 80
congress 79
work 76
record 73
community 67
users 61
working 59
group 58
access 57
recommendations 56
resources 53
authority 52
metadata 47
future 46
new 40
environment 37
development 37
web 36
collections 35
systems 35
available 35
creation 35
services 34
headings 32
national 31
findings 30
research 30
unique 29
sharing 29
oclc 28
model 28
catalog 28
international 27
develop 27
value 27
lcsh 26
pcc 26
user 26
need 26
report 25
make 25
practices 25
rda 25
used 25
time 24
needs 24
rare 24
including 24
provide 23
discovery 23
communities 23
special 23
frbr 23
current 22
resource 22
rules 22
digital 21
cooperative 21
program 21
participants 21
management 21
service 20
dc 20
programs 20
online 20
costs 20
washington 20
standard 19
support 19
knowledge 19
different 19
appropriate 19
effort 18
applications 18
marc 18
shared 18
exchange 18
process 18
changes 17
lcs 17
increase 16
public 16
search 16
creating 16
broader 16
catalogs 16
controlled 16

I converted the pdf to text file called ‘lc’ with xpdf and then wrote a little python:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from urllib import urlopen
from re import sub

stop_words = urlopen('http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/idom/ir_resources/linguistic_utils/stop_words').read().split()
text = file('lc').read()

counts = {}
for word in text.split():
    word = word.lower()
    word = sub(r'\W', '', word)
    word = sub(r'\d+', '', word)
    if word == ''  or word in stop_words: continue
    counts[word] = counts.get(word,0) + 1

words = counts.keys()
words.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(counts[b], counts[a]))
for word in words[0:100]:
    print "%20s %i" % (word, counts[word])

Does me writing code to read the report count as reading the report? …