I love how Kelleher (2017) positions the radical? idea of funding the development of archival infrastructure where it is actually needed using such a logical appeal to the status quo:

One strategy that UTL employed in collaboration with project partners to address challenges of agency, differential access to resources, and the most direct application of benefit was very deliberate transactional use of project funding. Rather than assume transfer of documentation to UTL — either through donation or purchase — as required under the custodial paradigm, UTL instead helped to arrange and purchased negotiated access to documentation that remained in the custody or control of the partner organization. Project funds were put toward the arrangement, description, preservation, and digitization of documentation, just as they would have been if the archival materials were at UTL. But the investments were made not in Texas, but locally with the partner organizations. In this way, the partner organizations and in some cases communities were able to build infrastructure and skills in digitization, metadata, software development, and preservation appropriate to the context of their organizational goals and uses of the documentation. And in two cases at least, the human rights organization developed significant local expertise that served them well beyond their partnership with UTL. Additionally, rather than acquire the original records themselves — as called for under the custodial paradigm — UTL sometimes purchased digitized copies of documentation or gained non-exclusive access to documentation as they and partners made it available online. Though somewhat unusual for a custodial archival repository, this system was very familiar and comfortable for UTL as an academic library that annually spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for access to databases. Partner organizations, with funds earned in this manner, could and did hire and train, or otherwise provide direct humanitarian aid to individuals documented in the records, so at least some saw benefit from participation in the project.

Kelleher, C. (2017). Archives without Archives:(Re) locating and (re) defining the archive through post-custodial praxis. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, (2). Retrieved from http://libraryjuicepress.com/journals/index.php/jclis/article/view/29